
objects constants operators statements functions properties methods

METHOD:  Dictionary.Keys

[arrayname = ]object.Keys

The Keys method can be used to retreive all the keys in a Dictionary object
and place them in an array. We can then iterate through the keys using a For....Next loop.

The following code demonstrates this, using the Dictionary object's Count property to determine the amount of key/item pairs.

dim guitars, arrayKeys, i
set guitars=CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
guitars.Add "e", "Epiphone"
guitars.Add "f", "Fender"
guitars.Add "g", "Gibson"
guitars.Add "h", "Harmony"
arrayItems = guitars.Keys
for i = 0 to guitars.Count -1
     Response.Write "<br>Key = " & arrayItems(i) & "Item = "  & _                                             guitars.Item(arrayKeys(i))

"Key = e Item = Epiphone"
"Key = f  Item = Fender"
"Key = g  Item = Gibson"
"Key = h  Item = Harmony"